Updates of Pointer


Upgraded in Aug. 2020:

Hi Friends,

Seeing that many of you would like to have a laser pointer with its laser as straight as possible, finally, we upgraded the laser pointer to an adjustable version. It's also smaller than the previous version. 

So, if you mainly play with wide lenses, it works for your lenses without adjustment.

If you may use a longer focus lens sometimes, you can adjust the laser beam then. Here's the instructions on how to do it: https://www.moveshootmove.com/blogs/faqs-in-general/how-to-adjust-the-beam-of-the-adjustable-laser-pointer

Regarding the battery for the new pointer, it's a 14250 3.6V battery.

A battery comes with the pointer, put in it already, it's rechargeable, so you can also charge it if you want.

Clear Skies,

Move Shoot Move team, 2020.08.25



Upgraded in Aug. 2019:

We also switch to the newest plastic screw for the mount to protect your Rotator's surface from scratch.