Frequently Asked Questions

Please feel free to contact/Siéntete libre de contactarnos:, Facebook @Move Shoot Move Rotator, Instagram @moveshootmove


Yes, we ship worldwide.

Generally 7-20 days.

For US users, it takes 3-5 days from our US warehouses.

For users in Europe, it takes 4-7 days from our EU warehouses.

We have EU warehouses and offer free tax shipping methods, so no worries.

We offer free shipping for orders above $49 to most countries.

For orders below, standard shipping costs $6.95.


Sí, enviamos a todo el mundo.

Para los usuarios de Europa, tarda de 4 a 7 días desde nuestros almacenes de la EU.

Disponemos de almacenes en Europa, y ofrecemos métodos de envío de impuestos gratuitos, así que no se preocupe.

Ofrecemos envío gratuito para pedidos superiores a $49.

Para los pedidos a continuación, el envío estándar cuesta $6.95.


Oui, nous expédions dans le monde entier.

Généralement 7-20 jours.

Pour les utilisateurs américains, cela prend 3 à 5 jours depuis nos entrepôts américains.

Pour les utilisateurs en Europe, cela prend 4 à 7 jours depuis nos entrepôts européens.

Nous avons des entrepôts dans l'UE et proposons des méthodes d'expédition gratuites, donc pas de soucis.

Nous offrons la livraison gratuite pour les commandes supérieures à 49 $ dans la plupart des pays.

Pour les commandes ci-dessous, les frais d'expédition standard sont de 6,95 $.


Ja, wir versenden weltweit.

In der Regel 7-20 Tage.

Für die USA dauert es 3-5 Tage aus unserem USA Lager.

Für Europa dauert es 4-7 Tage aus unserem EU Lager.

Wir haben EU-Lagerhäuser und bieten kostenlose Versandmethoden an, also keine Sorge.

Wir bieten kostenlosen Versand für Bestellungen über 49 US-Dollar in die meisten Länder.

Für Bestellungen unter 49 US-Dollar kostet der Standardversand 6,95 USD.


Sì, spediamo in tutto il mondo.

Generalmente 7-20 giorni.

Per gli utenti statunitensi, ci vogliono 3-5 giorni dai nostri magazzini statunitensi.

Per gli utenti in Europa, ci vogliono 4-7 giorni dai nostri magazzini UE.

Abbiamo magazzini UE e offriamo metodi di spedizione gratuiti, quindi non preoccuparti.

Offriamo la spedizione gratuita per ordini superiori a $ 49 nella maggior parte dei paesi.

Per gli ordini di seguito, la spedizione standard costa $ 6,95.


Yes, it supports all camera.

Yes, NOMAD Phone Kit and Richard's Astro Kit - for Southern HemisphereKit are especially released for you.

NOMAD's max payload is 7.7lbs (3.5kg).


If your tripod can pan and tilt, yes.

If no, you might need a ball head to connect it and your tripod.

Yes, many users do it with 200mm, but we would say NOMAD usually gives the best performance with lenses below 135mm. And its max payload is 3.5 kg

Many users can have sharp images even with 200mm to 300mm, but we would say MSM usually gives the best performance with lenses below 135mm.

The Polar Scope and Wedge combo. 

Yes, basically it can track any object in the night sky.

A 5mw(Class 3B) laser will come with the kit by default.

If you could not use this laser, please check another easy polar alignment tool like phone mount:

Please feel free to contact us ( if you have any questions. 

Yes. The camera is attached to NOMAD by a ballhead so as long as you can attach GoPro/DJI Action Camera to a normal ballhead, it will work. 


Please check the battery version you have received. 
1) If it is 16340 battery, you can find the replacement battery here: or others. You can buy one at local or online store as long as the battery model is correct, it will work.
2) If it is14250 battery, you can find the replacement battery here:
You can buy one at local or online store as long as the battery model is correct, it will work.
You can buy one at local or online store as long as the battery model is correct, it will work.
If you want to find a charger for the battery, please check this one: or other similar universal charger.
If you need more help, please contact

Please check the simple using guide of it:

Please feel free to contact us ( if you have any questions. 

It is the small pin for NOMAD. It is used to hold the mounting more tight. Please use the small wrench coming with NOMAD or the small wrench coming with laser to tighten it from the backside of the plate like how you tighten the ballhead. 

please check how to use it here:

Please feel free to contact us ( if you have more questions.

For fine-tune laser, please adjust the two small screws on it by the attached small wrench. You can regard them as X and Y axes directly, please check the picture below. Normally the laser is fine, please try it outside then see if you need to fine tune it.

Just in case you may wonder, the big gold screw is for holding the spring inside, please do not adust this screw. 

The tracker remains the same, but the accessories differ due to variations in polar alignment methods and wedge usage.

1. Wedge Modification: Richard adds a 360-degree panorama base beneath the wedge, allowing for smoother adjustments alongside its original fine-tuning panning.

2. Polar Alignment Tool: A unique phone mount is used for alignment:

  • Attach the phone mount to the wedge.
  • Adjust the wedge and panning base for alignment.
  • Tighten the wedge and panning base after alignment.
  • Replace the phone mount with NOMAD for regular setup.

3. Additional Features: The kit includes a V mount and a low-gravity double-panning ballhead.

Originally designed for the Southern Hemisphere, Richard’s kit can also be used in the Northern Hemisphere by aligning with Polaris or NCP.

You can use the ballhead you have to connect NOMAD to tripod. The ballhead in the kit is used to connect the camera onto NOMAD. The laser is for polar alignment, pointing the laser to the Polaris is ok. The tracker is to track the sky, please refer to the setup picture attached.
Or you can check this video guide:

In this case, polar alignment tool phone mount is recommended so if you already have a ballhead, you can check the most budget friendly kit-MSM Phone Mount kit  Or Full Kit Richard Astro Kit 


Sí, es compatible con todas las cámaras.

6,6 lbs (3 kg).

Si su trípode puede girar e inclinarse, sí.

Si no, es posible que necesite una rótula para conectarlo a su trípode.

Kit de inicio. Haz clic aquí para echarle un vistazo:

Sí, muchos usuarios lo hacen con 300 mm, pero diríamos que MSM suele ofrecer el mejor rendimiento con lentes por debajo de 135 mm.

Muchos usuarios pueden tener imágenes nítidas incluso con 300 mm, pero diríamos que MSM generalmente ofrece el mejor rendimiento con lentes por debajo de 135 mm.

La combinación Buscador Polar y Cuña.

Sí, básicamente puede rastrear cualquier objeto en el cielo nocturno.

Un láser de 5 mw (Clase 3B) vendrá con el kit de forma predeterminada.

Si no puede utilizar este láser, consulte otra herramienta sencilla de alineación polar, como el soporte para teléfono:

No dude en contactarnos ( si tiene alguna pregunta.



Esistono 2 versioni del laser, il laser da 1 mw è di classe 3R e il laser da 5 mw è di classe 3B.
Si prega di scegliere di conseguenza:


Se desideri acquistare un kit che includa un puntatore a stella, contatta indicando quale versione ti serve subito dopo aver effettuato l'ordine.


Oui, il prend en charge toutes les caméras.

Oui, et Phone Kit et Australia Phone Kit sont spécialement conçus pour vous.

6,6 lb (3 kg).

Si votre trépied peut effectuer un panoramique et une inclinaison, oui.

Si non, vous aurez peut-être besoin d'une rotule pour le connecter et votre trépied.

Kit de démarrage. Cliquez ici pour le vérifier:

Oui, de nombreux utilisateurs le font avec 300 mm, mais nous dirions que MSM donne généralement les meilleures performances avec des objectifs inférieurs à 135 mm.

Le combo Polar Scope et Wedge. 

De nombreux utilisateurs peuvent avoir des images nettes même avec 300 mm, mais nous dirions que MSM donne généralement les meilleures performances avec des objectifs inférieurs à 135 mm.

Oui, en gros, il peut suivre n'importe quel objet dans le ciel nocturne.

Nous avons un pointeur en étoile de classe 2 et 3R. Veuillez choisir en conséquence:

Si vous souhaitez acheter un kit comprenant un pointeur étoile, 

veuillez contacter indiquant la version dont vous avez besoin juste après avoir passé la commande.




Ja, es werden alle Kameras unterstützt.

Ja, das Phone Kit und Australia Phone Kit sind speziell für Sie freigegeben.

3 kg.

Der Rotator ist mit allen üblichen Stativen kompatibel. Es ist unter umständen ein Kugelkopf notwendig.

Unser Starter-Kit ist hierfür optimal:

Ja, viele Benutzer tun dies mit 300 mm, jedoch wird die beste Leistung mit bis zu 135mm erzielt.

Viele Benutzer können sogar mit 300 mm scharfe Bilder haben, aber wir würden sagen, dass MSM normalerweise die beste Leistung mit Objektiven unter 135 mm bietet.

Die Kombination aus Polar Scope und Wedge. 

Ja, im Grunde kann jedes Objekt am Nachthimmel verfolgt werden.



Informazioni generali

Sì, supporta tutte le fotocamere.

Sì, e Phone Kit e Australia Phone Kit sono stati rilasciati appositamente per te.

6,6 libbre (3 kg).

Se il tuo treppiede può eseguire la panoramica e l'inclinazione, sì.

In caso contrario, potrebbe essere necessaria una testa a sfera per collegarlo al treppiede.

Kit di partenza. Fare clic qui per verificarlo:

Sì, molti utenti lo usano con un 300 mm, ma MSM di solito offre le migliori prestazioni si ottengono con obiettivi di lunghezza focale inferiore ai 135 mm.

Molti utenti possono avere immagini nitide anche con 300 mm, ma di solito MSM offre le migliori prestazioni con obiettivi inferiori a 135 mm.

La combinazione Polar Scope e Wedge. 

Sì, fondamentalmente può tracciare qualsiasi oggetto nel cielo notturno.

Abbiamo puntatore a stella di Classe 2 e Classe 3R. Si prega di scegliere di conseguenza:

Se si desidera acquistare un kit che include un puntatore a stella, contattare e specificare quale versione ti serve subito dopo aver effettuato l'ordine.

