A great device, a bit expensive, priced at 170-200 would be an optimal price to better equip a successor and sell it for 250-300.
Easy to use, handy and comfortable. The mechanics are simple, well thought out and above all easy to load. However, there are design flaws, the threads for the camera/ball head mount are made of aluminium, I understand that this reduces the weight, but the longevity is significantly impaired. A brass thread would be appropriate here. THE thread to attach the ball head / a camera or other to the tracker is not good, the screw loosens in 1/5 falls when turning and thus changes the shooting angle at this point a clamp mount could be used which can be connected to the camera or ball head thread not by thread or screws but by positive force transmission. This thread is also too large for telescopes, but with a maximum weight of 3kg there is not much room for the telescope and camera. In this case, as the product is intended for travelling and light equipment, it should also be designed for this. So a smaller thread for the camera or ball head connection(
Prego (Porto, PT)
I'm delighted to say that the Nomad is everything I could ask for as a first timer in tracked astrophotography. Portable, light, easy to setup, allows for precise adjustments and performs beyond expectations on deep sky astro.
Nicholas Howe Howe (Port Richey, US)
Review pending ..weather too cloudy to use yet Florida
Will post update once I get to use it
Luis Comellas Sans (Valencia, ES)
Muy contento
Muy contento de los resultados obtenidos, con mi nuevo msm nomad, muy facil de usar.
Jesus Varas Gomez (Madrid, ES)
De momento todo bien
No he podido probarlo mucho pero me gusta por si calidad de construcción.
Lo que echo el falta, y me tiene en duda, es un procedimiento válido para saber si el láser está correctamente alineado.
Por lo demás, de momento, perfecto.
P. B. (Kailua-Kona, US)
It's the new year and my order still hasn't arrived
I'd love to give a review but my order still isn't here almost a month later and it doesn't look like it's even been shipped based on tracking. It still says pre-shipping. I order Chinese herbs from China weekly and those tracking updates always tell me when the post is accepted, when it's left China, when it hits US customs, clears customs, and is on its way to me.
Not very satisfied at all.
Laurence (Amsterdam, NL)
Some more explanations would be great !
I'm a french user and I purchased a Move Shoot Move with a laser and a V and Z Alyn Wallace platform. At first, I was really confused because I didn't know how to mount my entire setup (where to put the V and Z platform? Which one goes on the tripod? Which one on the Move Shoot Move tracker?). Fortunately, I knew that Alyn Wallace was involved in their design, so I found some videos, but the explanations were for the first Move Shoot Move model. Since there is no documentation for these platforms, I couldn't figure out how to get started. On top of that, I couldn't use the lockings because they were too close to the Move Shoot Move body itself, and Alyn's video helped me.
A short piece of documentation would have been useful there...
Still, the first results are amazing! (See my initial attempts.) I'm impressed! I used the Move Shoot Move Basic, an 85mm f/1.4 Samyang on a Nikon D750
eastmansastrophoto.x86 (Cedar Park, US)
Nomad Star Tracker is a GODSEND!
After receiving my tracker several days earlier than anticipated, I have been able to use it to great effect for a few long astrophotography sessions, and I'm only getting better because of it! I did screw up and order the kit with the polar scope bracket rather than the laser pointer, but I just ordered that on Wednesday, so here soon I'll have the best polar alignment in Central Texas! 🔥🔥📸🔭☄️🪐🌗
Daniel Zhelyazkov (Dobrich, BG)
NOMAD star tracker for Novice and Experienced Astrophotographers
Christian Prinz (Gummersbach, DE)
Good quality, good support - get it!
Fast delivery, fast and friendly contact, good product!